This is a simple website listing all available plugins for the plant modeling platform GroIMP.
To install a plugin the Pluginmanager inside GroIMP should be used.
This list is updated only once a day so don't be surprised if a plugin is not appearing directly.
3D-CS contains a construction set similar to Xfrog which was designed as part of a Diploma thesis. The plugin enables the creation of a project based on a xFrog file. It adds the support of file type: - '.xfr' (XFrog file)
The AdvancedSelection plugin provides 1) a set of tools for selecting nodes in the 3d view based on geometry/topology. 2) a navigation tool to ease the selection of nodes by hand in a complex graph. You can get started by creating selections of nodes using the menu in the 3d view: 'selection>...'. You can then aggregate nodes based on several criteria 'selection>aggregate>...'. All aggregations are listed in the explorer panel 'panel>graph>aggregations'. **Note: this plugin is still in developement**.
The GroLink API plugin enables the interaction with, and simulation in GroIMP, through HTTP commands. A list of all implemented commands can be found on the helpURL
Support for Billboard object in GroIMP. Billboard can be added to the scene and display an image. It works as follow: File file = new File ('/path/to/an/image/CucLeaf.png'); BasicBillboarder bb = new BasicBillboarder(file, Billboarder.MT_PNG).
This plugin enables the export of PLY and OBJ with respect of categorization (aggregations or multi-scale).
Regarding PLY this leads to two additional properties for each vertex: the id of the object it self and a list of all id's of nodes that parents of this node which are connected by an REFINEMENT_EDGE as well as parents of the parents as long as all nodes are connected by refinement edges. This is similar done for obj but due to lack of the format only for one category for each object.
A simple extension of the PointCloud Importer to add the management of the 'categories' produced by the plugin 'categorizedExports'. It adds the attributes 'catIds' as int[], and 'objectId'. It includes support of the file type : - '.ply'
A simple CLI for GroIMP. It enables to start GroIMP in command line with the parameter '-a cli'. Then, project can be open/modified/run/exported with commands: $open $saveas $run.
Support interface of exchange graph object. Exchange graphs are graph that describe the same amount of topological and geometrical data as GroIMP graph. They can be used as intermediate graph to export/import sub graph between GroIMP projects. During the export, Exchange graphs serialize the instanciation rules to add them to the graph. It includes support of the file types (for import & export): - '.xeg'
An extension to the camera class allowing users to create videos of step wise transformation form one camera to another one. This is a very early state of this project and does only work with ParallelProjection and a limited set of functions. An example is added to the example project explorer.
A plugin containing models for the GroLink Godot example game. This plugin is only usefull in combination with the GroLink API and the forest game (
This plugin add support for an OpenGL 1 implementation of the 3D view. The view can be accessed from GroIMP in the 3D view, under 'View>Display>OpenGL'. Additionally, it provides an incomplete implementation of OpenGL 1 Shading Language for the 3d View. Which is registered as 'OpenGL (Proteus)'.
A plugin to import from and export to the glTF format including basic graph taxonomy. The current implementation does not include shaders and cloning can not be exported.
The Graph Explorer plugin aims to enable the usage of additional graphs in GroIMP. Therefore two approaches are presented: the GraphObject and the Secondary Graph, which fulfill slightly different needs. Both objects are managed like standard GroIMP asset (such as light models, images, ...). The plugin also includes explorers for them.
The GreenLab Plugin adds a support interface for Greenlab projects in GroIMP. The interface includes GUI elements to create an interactive workbench with Greenlab tools. The plugin also provides a support for the file type: - '.smb' (AMAPSymbol)
The IMP plugin adds facilities to display and edit graphs as defined by the Graph project from above. Furthermore, it defines support for images, fonts and some other data types. Finally, it contains a simple implementation of an HTTP server. This is an interesting feature and enables GroIMP models to serve as dynamic content providers for web applications. Additionally, the IMP plugin contains the default application of GroIMP, the GUI.
IMP-2D provides node classes for 2D geometry. Such a 2D scene graph can be displayed in a 2D view, but there is also the option to display a 2D view on the topology of an arbitrary graph.
IMP-3D plays a central role in the management of GroIMP's object in the scene. It defines node classes for all kinds of 3D geometry from primitives like points, spheres and boxes to complex objects like NURBS surfaces and polygon meshes. Cameras, light sources and sky objects are defined, and physically valid shaders can be constructed from procedural textures and images. This plug-in also provides a 3D view based on wireframe, and manipulation tools for translation, rotation and scaling.
Implementation of the Lignum model into GroIMP. The LIGNUM is a generic functional-structural plant model (FSPM) designed and parameterized for modelling coniferous as well as deciduous tree species.
Math defines interfaces and implementations for simple functions, vertex lists, B-spline curves and surfaces. This includes non-uniform rational B-splines, i. e., NURBS. A lot of algorithms of _The NURBS book [L. Piegl and W. Tiller.]_ like the computation of swept surfaces are also provided.
Platform is the basic plug-in of GroIMP and is referenced (directly or indirectly) by most other plug-ins. It contains an abstraction of a graphical user interface around the interface Workbench. It includes support of the file types : - '.gsz' - '.gs' - '.jar' - '.class' - '.txt' - '.ini' - '.fun' - '.properties' - '.sci' - '.html' - '.xml' - '.grahpml' - '.xls' - '.ps' - '.csv' - '.pdf'
This plugin provides an improved design for managing pointclouds in GroIMP. It includes a base design as well as a simple implementation. It also enables importing PLY files as pointcloud. It includes support of the file type : - '.ply' - '.xyz' for both import and export.
POV-Ray plugin enables import and export of the scene to a POV file. The export embeds the POV-Ray ray-tracer so that it can directly render in the 3D view. It includes support of the file type : - '.pov'
Raytracer is used by IMP-3D to integrate the raytracer Twilight, which is a subproject of the whole GroIMP project but independent of the GroIMP application. This raytracer implements both a conventional ray-tracer and a path-tracer based on _Robust Monte Carlo Methods for Light Transport Simulation [E. Veach.]_. For the representation of geometry, it relies on the plugin Vecmath. Its algorithms are also used for the radiation model.
The RGG plugin establishes the link between GroIMP and the XL programming language. It uses the base implementation of the XL interfaces to make the graph of GroIMP accessible to the run-time system of the XL programming language and to provide a derivation mechanism which is compliant with relational growth grammars. This plugin also provides a re-implementation of some of the features of the GROGRA software within the new framework. It includes support of the file types : - '.java' - '.xl' - '.rgg' - '.lsy/ .ssy' - 'rggc' (compiled rgg) - '.dtd' - '.dtg' - '.mtg' (shouldn't be there...) - '.stl' - '.ply' (as graph object for export) - '.obj' (as graph object for export) - '.tex' (both as text and export) - '.html' (for view and export)
Vecmath contains an implementation of the javax.vecmath library and an implementation of 3D geometry (primitives, polygon meshes, constructive solid geometry, octree) with the focus on ray-object intersections for the purpose of ray-tracing.
This plugin provides support for importing and exporting graph object to the X3D format. It includes support of the file types : - '.x3d' (for both import and export) - '.wrl' (for export) - '.x3dv' (for export)
XL contains the classes and interfaces of the XL language which are not already contained in XL-Core, i. e., the packages de.grogra.xl.query, and de.grogra.xl.modules.